First, please check that you have internet access, as this is often the cause of slow or problematic streaming.
Sometimes there is an issue with the browser as well, so if you are using Internet Explorer, please try Chrome, or any other alternative (or vice versa).
Lastly, we would ask that you clear your cache - please see how to do so for the most popular browsers below:
Google Chrome -
In the upper-right of Chrome to select Settings > Advanced > Privacy and security > Clear browsing data or History > History > Clear browsing data.
Internet Explorer -
Access the gear icon at upper left and select Internet Options > General tab. From here, you can click the Delete button to instantly get rid of cookies and cached data. (Please make sure you don't delete your saved passwords!)
Safari -
Open Safari > History > At the bottom of the menu, choose Clear History > Select the drop-down menu to choose a timeframe to delete the cookies from Safari > Clear History.
If you are still having trouble, we kindly request that you take a screenshot of the error received or seen as you try to play the video and send it to us at